Here are 7 of my "Light and Shadow" picture.
In the top 3 picture I was outside at about 7:30pm and the sun was still shining bright so put my nephews on the car and took a lot of pictures of them. These are the ones that turned out the best.
The photos with the big flashes of light I took at a Youth Conference (YC) in Alberta. I took them during a dance performance. The top one I photoshoped so that it almost looks unreal. Like a painting. :)
I used the lights from the side room and brought them into the small aud. and photographed Michelle in the bottom 2 pictures.
The photos with the big flashes of light I took at a Youth Conference (YC) in Alberta. I took them during a dance performance. The top one I photoshoped so that it almost looks unreal. Like a painting. :)
I used the lights from the side room and brought them into the small aud. and photographed Michelle in the bottom 2 pictures.