Thursday, May 27, 2010

Light and shadow!

Here are 7 of my "Light and Shadow" picture.
In the top 3 picture I was outside at about 7:30pm and the sun was still shining bright so put my nephews on the car and took a lot of pictures of them. These are the ones that turned out the best.
The photos with the big flashes of light I took at a Youth Conference (YC) in Alberta. I took them during a dance performance. The top one I photoshoped so that it almost looks unreal. Like a painting. :)
I used the lights from the side room and brought them into the small aud. and photographed Michelle in the bottom 2 pictures.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Here is my garbage photo. I finally got it up! I couldn't think of anything to do for garbage so I used the paper shred idea. I actually put 2 stems of flowers in each side of the broken heart. One was red and one was white symbolizing 2 sides of the equation. I fiddled around with the contrast, shadows and brightness etc. and ended up with this! It was much work to clean up but worth the picture.


This is my red picture! As you can see it is a piano. I just fiddled around with the contrast a bit. At first it was just red, black and white but now it has a little bit of blue in it. The red strip in it is just a key softener for the piano.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Extreme close up!

I did a big photo shoot of my new skates and was taking close ups of everything. i wanted to photograph then because it is something that means a lot to me and because i know that they will get wrecked the more i skate on them. I like how you can see the other skates picks in the background and how there is a tiny bit of colour on the frong blade. Just enough to give the picture some spunk. :P

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fragmentation photo

Michelle and I did this photo together. This single photo is actually 53 pictures put together. :)